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Darknaija Stats
Darknaija is one of the largest and most well-known adult video-sharing websites in Nigeria. Currently sitting at more than 6 million visits per month as per Similarweb, the site quickly gained popularity due to its extensive library of free naija porn videos, high-quality streaming, and user-friendly design. The site sees an estimated 16 pages opened by visitors every time they visit and these visitors spend 6+ minutes on average.
It is widely speculated that the company that also owns several other Naija adult entertainment websites like NaijaUncut, EmpressLeak, Totoleak and NaijaTape also owns Darknaija because their links are boldly posted on Dark Naija's menu navigation. This acquisition if true means that there is a silent monopoly taking place in Nigeria's online Adult space.
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Dark 9ja operates on a free to watch model, where users can access a large amount of adult content for free with no option of premium services for additional features. The platform features user-uploaded videos as well as amateur productions, catering to a wide range of preferences and genres.